Found Poetry, I Think

Last week, for Spring Break, I went back to my literal ancestral home for a few days. Seriously, my parents have lived in this house for 46 years this month. For my daughter, Mimi’s house might as well be Disney World. While we were there, Dad asked me to come out to the barn and go through some of my old stuff stored in the hayloft upstairs. He had located three large Rubbermaid tubs of various items I must have collected throughout the late 1990s, including my college career.

My family are noted pack-rats, but this really was a treasure trove. I found graduation cards from my fraternity brothers, Christmas cards from my hall mates in the dorm, and every cassette I ever owned. It was a fun little trip into the past, similar to when I found the Modern Rock cassette at McKay’s. The thing that really caught me was this one little scrap of paper I must have done when I did my summer internship at the National Science Foundation, or at least that seemed to be the general time frame.

My wife called it “found poetry,” which it certainly was having been buried in this bin for 25+ years. Best I can remember, I collected a series of disclaimer statements from somewhere on the early Internet, and twisted them around to form something quite different. I added a couple other statements of my own that I borrowed from other sources, but I thought it might be wise to record it here for posterity. I’ve done some light edits and left out a couple of especially nonsensical lines, but it’s otherwise a direct transcription. I particularly liked the bit about Windows 95, which gives you an idea of when this was written. Enjoy unless otherwise directed.


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