A Very Long Week

January sucks. In our house, it brings nothing but hurt. I had been working on some research regarding publishing, ISBNs, and imprints when my cat, my companion, got very sick indeed last Monday. By Thursday, we had to say goodbye. He was three months shy of 16, which is not an insignificant age for a cat, but it has left quite a hole in my life and author stuff has very much taken a back seat. On top of that, I had that wonderful medical test that everyone gets once they reach that certain age. All is well, of course, but it has been a slog of a year already.

I’m hoping to get myself back on track and start the process of setting up an imprint for my work. As they say in my day job:

“The two hardest things in programming are naming things, cache invalidation, and off-by-one errors.”

–Some developer, probably

Sorry to vent, but it’ll all be worth it, I hope, once I can start getting HVE out to print. It’s still nice to know it’s done, whatever else is happening in life. I can say that I wrote a 75k word novel for real! In the meantime, I’ll keep doing my first edits on Susie #1 and keep moving forward.

I hope you’re having a great 2022 so far!